Wednesday, May 11, 2011

La Gran Tribulacion- The Great Tribulation

The tribulation blog # 9

I choose to do my video about the tribulation since it is a topic many people don't know. The tribulation will occur after God has come for the people who believed in him. It is the end of time many people may call it, but in reality it justice of God's wrath. Not only will humanity suffer, but suffer all that pain without God's mercy. It will be to late for you to say that your sorry, now you will be tempted in many ways, but if you truly want to be safe, don't take the mark of the beast.  The tribulation and God is coming it is not late for you to accept God in  your life. Revelations in the bible is giving us a warning of what it is to come, and it is up to us to listen and speak the word of God. You don't have to be afraid  if only you will listen and let God in. This project has open my eyes, and i have learned many things about God's wrath and I hope it will open yours as well. God bless you! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog # 8

  Entropy                                                           Bombs
1.Refrigerator broke                               1.Brain tumor
2.Root-canal                                          2.Seizure
3.Flute                                                   3.Surgery
4.Window leaking                                  4.Troops under attack
5.Typewriter broke                                5.Best friend dies
6.Babysitter failing to show up                6.Bad grades
7.Hair turning gray                                  7.Car crash needed paint                              8.Girl never woke up
9.Needed glasses                                   9.The painful lesson
10.Sneakers had holes                           10.Malignacy

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blogg # 6 Childhood Obesity

Blogg # 7

Imagine, establishing a law about abolishing grades in schools. How many people and students over the age of eighteen will consider it the opportunity of a life time. I would imagine school being hundred times better. The reason being is that students are pressured into taking the TAKS test, and if you don’t pass it, you will not be able to go, to the next grade level. This “great idea” has failed many students. Yes, there are some students that are book smart, and will pass any test with a “B” or above. However, there are students that are just barely passing the class with a” C”. All through High School the “C” student may think they’re not smart enough to make it through college.
To me these tests are comparing the ability and intelligence from one student to another. I believe that the government and the school districts’ shouldn’t make an assumption in the test average of students. We as the students are all different and learn in many different ways, and what might work for one student, won’t work for the other. The same teaching over and over again for a teacher, only makes matter worse. What ever happened to having fun in school? Spice it up a little! We are living in a new modern world!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Freedom of speech

An ACLU student has report a lawsuit against the Fort Wayne International Airport, because the student opposes the new screening measures enacted by the Transportation Security Administration.  Those procedures mandate that passengers either have a "full body" scan or they get patted down.  The student tried to pass out copies of the United States Constitution and other materials to airport patrons. However, the airport policy’s is if the student wants to express his “Freedom of speech” he must be outside the premises in one of the five entrances the airport has. Also, he has to apply for a permit at least seven days in advance.
The student was a fighting veteran of the Iraq War, who I believe has the right to his Freedom of speech.  His exact words were "I'm a combat veteran of the Iraq War and I'm not allowed to hand out constitutions in a public airport? That doesn't seem right to me," He says that is a violation of his constitutional rights. He believes that he should have the rights to hand out copies of the constitutional at a public airport.
I agree with the student using the first amendment of the constitution to express himself. I believe that he used the freedom of speech efficiently and I will have to back him up for fighting for his rights. He didn’t say or do anything violent to cause a big scene in the airport. The student handled it very calmly and mature. He wanted his voice to be heard, but the airport policy restricted him of doing so.