Thursday, February 24, 2011

Freedom of speech

An ACLU student has report a lawsuit against the Fort Wayne International Airport, because the student opposes the new screening measures enacted by the Transportation Security Administration.  Those procedures mandate that passengers either have a "full body" scan or they get patted down.  The student tried to pass out copies of the United States Constitution and other materials to airport patrons. However, the airport policy’s is if the student wants to express his “Freedom of speech” he must be outside the premises in one of the five entrances the airport has. Also, he has to apply for a permit at least seven days in advance.
The student was a fighting veteran of the Iraq War, who I believe has the right to his Freedom of speech.  His exact words were "I'm a combat veteran of the Iraq War and I'm not allowed to hand out constitutions in a public airport? That doesn't seem right to me," He says that is a violation of his constitutional rights. He believes that he should have the rights to hand out copies of the constitutional at a public airport.
I agree with the student using the first amendment of the constitution to express himself. I believe that he used the freedom of speech efficiently and I will have to back him up for fighting for his rights. He didn’t say or do anything violent to cause a big scene in the airport. The student handled it very calmly and mature. He wanted his voice to be heard, but the airport policy restricted him of doing so.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The truth about college professors

My first semester in college didn’t go as I predicted to be. My first English teacher expected a lot from students and always talked about how he has a reputation in college. Never did I believe that a teacher could care more about his reputation then his students. He would teach in a corner of the classroom by his computer, and once in a while he would get up and say something. He’s the kind of professor who talks, and talks about his success in life. He was a very serious professor, but he did have some good points, but I wished he hadn’t been so cocky. He was a hard professor, but when he laughed and smile it made him appear normal. Either way I dropped out of his class, and started looking for a new English professor.    
The second English professor I have it so different from my first, He is very outgoing and weird about his essays, but makes it fun for the class. His teaching methods make me understand how to do it, and how to correct them. He expects his work to get done like any other teacher. He is very caring and understanding to the students. He’s very random when it comes to his essays, but it just makes us realize that we can write about anything and make it our own.
It amazes me how different two English professors can be. One I can’t stand, but the other I respect. Just comes to show that we need to pick wisely of whom we choose as professors

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A prayer for a friend

            The beginning of this song is a man who has tried and tried to help his best friend to overcome his obstacles.  He fears that he won’t have those words to lift up his friend. He wants his friend to see the careless mistakes he makes over and over again. Although, he has done all that he can, he leaves it up to god to help him get through his sinful ways.
The ending of this song has a very strong purpose. The best friend doesn’t realize that he’s becoming a puppet of the world and has become too blind to see the strings. His friend life seems so right to him when reality all his wrong doing has left him behind. His hearth wants to help him so much, but it’s up to his friend to give god a chance. So he prays to god to lift up his friend and make him realize his ruthless mistakes.
This song can be very meaningful to many persons that act out without realizing his or her mistakes. It shows how a caring friend can help by leaving it up to God.  The song shows love and compassionate towards a friend in need.  Many people need a prayer but don’t know it, and this song can help them realize it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

One Dream Of a Better Future

 Many people say that The Alien Minor Act shoudn't be discussed, unfortuanaly their are reasonable people whom are favor of the act. The Act is a way of helping undocumented students to have a better future. Many qualifications have been given to the students, but still has faild to pass. I agree with some qualifications to ther point were the students should have a good moral character. President Obama agrees with the passing of the act, but has faild to his promise to millions of undocumented students. The passing of the act is very important, because it gives an apportunity to the students to better themselves. Not only would it help the students it will also help the economy to succeed. If millions of students have jobs but don't claim taxes for the fear of getting deported, how much more money can this millions of students give to the government for taxes. To what extent are these students have to go through for the legislator to hear their voices. Isn't it said in the constitution that all men are created equal? why is it difficult to understand these students dream, they are capable to succeed like everybody else who lives in the U.S. Many students are waiting for the apportunityto show what their capable of doing. Their taking that stand of beleiving that The Alien Act will pass no matter how mant times it has to fail to pass. One apportunity is the only desire they have to fufill that long lasting dream.

Howard, Berman L. "H.R. 6497: Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2010 (DREAM Act) - Legislative Digest -" - The Website of Republicans in Congress. Rep. Berman, Howard L. (Judiciary Committee), 9 Dec. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2011.
Garcia, Neli S. "A Second Chance to a Dream Come True." - My High School Journalism - The World's Largest Host of Teen Generated News Home. The Pearl Post, 11 Feb. 2011. Web. 12 Feb. 2011.