Saturday, February 12, 2011

One Dream Of a Better Future

 Many people say that The Alien Minor Act shoudn't be discussed, unfortuanaly their are reasonable people whom are favor of the act. The Act is a way of helping undocumented students to have a better future. Many qualifications have been given to the students, but still has faild to pass. I agree with some qualifications to ther point were the students should have a good moral character. President Obama agrees with the passing of the act, but has faild to his promise to millions of undocumented students. The passing of the act is very important, because it gives an apportunity to the students to better themselves. Not only would it help the students it will also help the economy to succeed. If millions of students have jobs but don't claim taxes for the fear of getting deported, how much more money can this millions of students give to the government for taxes. To what extent are these students have to go through for the legislator to hear their voices. Isn't it said in the constitution that all men are created equal? why is it difficult to understand these students dream, they are capable to succeed like everybody else who lives in the U.S. Many students are waiting for the apportunityto show what their capable of doing. Their taking that stand of beleiving that The Alien Act will pass no matter how mant times it has to fail to pass. One apportunity is the only desire they have to fufill that long lasting dream.

Howard, Berman L. "H.R. 6497: Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2010 (DREAM Act) - Legislative Digest -" - The Website of Republicans in Congress. Rep. Berman, Howard L. (Judiciary Committee), 9 Dec. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2011.
Garcia, Neli S. "A Second Chance to a Dream Come True." - My High School Journalism - The World's Largest Host of Teen Generated News Home. The Pearl Post, 11 Feb. 2011. Web. 12 Feb. 2011.


  1. I agree with you that we are created equal. At what point does the government have to say no. Our country is in such financial disorder. If you are a alien student you might have a student loan or most likely you qualify for a grant. So not only do alien minors not paying taxes for fear of deportation but they also expect the U.S. government to pay for there schooling? Just so they can pay taxes in the future? I have many Hispanic friends who are illegal and went through U.S. colleges but not illegally. If you here illegally can you not apply for a student visa?

  2. I understand the point your trying to make but here's a couple reasons why i beleive that the government needs to help undocumented students.“The united states has deported almost 108,500 parents of U.S. citizen children and separated more than 1 million family members.”(Nevins) Who woudn't be afraid? .These students struggle with prejudice, and they fight to maintain calm but in their shoes all hope is gone. Most likely they can qualify for a grant, but what's the point once thier graduated from college they can't work for the reason that they have no citizenship. There's another problem the students have to go through. It's a non stop battle for them. If only they gave the students documentation so they can be taxed everything will go as smooth as the government wants it to. They are willing to still go to college with that doubt in their head that the degree or master they've earned wll not get them anywhere.

  3. I totally sympathize and I would never wish for anyone to suffer any kind of prejudice. I understand a little more about the point you are making.

  4. I love the passion you have for this subject. It is almost palpable as it comes off the page. I worry though that your argument thus far is not clearly spelled out. It needs more coherent organization to really make the case. Otherwise, its as if you are simply listing information in the hopes that your audience can peice it together.

  5. I will concede that is seems quite unfair to deny the opportunity to go to college to the children of illegal immigrants. They should not be blamed for coming to this county when they weren't even involved in the decision to come in the first place. If they are allowed to go to college, not only will it better the lives of them and their families (economically), but it will also benefit the country as a whole. There will be more tax payers and a stronger economy. The problem, therefore, lies in the bill itself, which is never just about the dreams of the children of illegal immigrants. In the recent past there have been provisions allowing older people to go to college and a more general amnesty - not including the college attendance. If the bill is to pass, it must be straightforward and clear.

  6. I agree that this would be good for the economy, but it seems like the act it self could almost backfire. If i was making enough money to sustain myself as an illegal alien, why would i risk being deported because i may not be able to complete two years of college or military? If people don't need to take advantage of the dream act they won't thus continuing to live in the U.S. illegally.
